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Cattle Squeeze Chutes

Squeeze with Scale and Base

Morand’s Squeeze Chute conforms to the shape of the cow. This allows for more room where the cow is the biggest. The cow is centered and more comfortable in the squeeze. With the squeeze coming over the top and underneath the cow, it is restricted from jumping up. Therefore, less tendency to fall down.

Working the Shoulder Holder is quite easy! You preset your neck gates to the width of the cattle you are processing, and we use a self-catching head gate, so the cattle do the work for you as they catch themselves. They will always want to pull back to get away, that’s when yo pull down on the shoulder holder handle. Keeping the animal still, this will give you the chance to work on them safely!


Length: 8′

Height: 7′

Width: 37″

Weight: 1800 lbs

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Calf Squeeze

Same features as the Morand’s Cattle Squeeze, except on a smaller scale. This squeeze can fit a 150lbs calf up to a 800lbs calf.

Rolling Door at the back for easy access for the veterinarian and separating the calf from the next. 4 pins included.


Length: 6′

Width: 3′

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Squeeze shown with scale and base

Open range 11”-30”

Head gate has no chains or cables to be stretched.

Top side panels (H doors) swing from each end of the squeeze. The center gate is removable to allow easy and complete access from the top of the cow.

Rolling door tailgate.

Headgate is easily tripped to release animals, regardless of the pressure on the neck gates.

Squeeze is good for 450lbs calves to up 2800lbs bulls.

Quick adjust on the floor, allows adjustments to be made with the cow in the Squeeze Chute.

Grease Zirks on all the collars for easy maintenance.

Bottom Access panel is removable to allow full access to the bottom of the cow.

Self-catching Headgate is truly self-catching. When properly adjusted for the size of the livestock being processed, the operator will not need to work the handle of the headgate to catch animals.

Squeeze Chute Optional Features:

Shoulder Brand

Scale mounted under squeeze

Extra Side Exit

Portable Trailer

2500lbs Bull in Shoulder Holder

This shoulder holder, when activated, immobilizes your cattle. Excellent for Neck Injections, Ear Tags, Implants, Eye Exams, and Brisket Tagging.

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