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We purchased what I call a portable bison handling system from Larry which consisted of a number of sliding and swinging gates and 16 and 20 ft panels. The system can easily be dismantled and transported anywhere. We recently had 8 bison get out and eventually found them in a farmer’s field 10 miles away. With the assistance of the farmer utilizing his corrals we set up the panel system and were able to contain and load the animals and return them home. We would not have been able to facilitate the recovery without this steel system specifically built for bison. The system paid for itself first time out. This system was built by people that know bison.

Garrett Bohn
Sandy Lake, Alberta
When we saw the Morand Ranch Gate at Farm Fair one year, we knew we had to have one. Larry delivered it right to our place and gave us all the information we needed to get it installed. Now it stands proudly at the entrance to our place and it is so well built that we know it will be here long after we’re gone. Morand Industries has been a valuable supporter of the livestock industry for a long time. Their equipment is solid, reliable, well designed and MADE IN ALBERTA. Handling systems versatile enough for goats and sheep and tough enough for buffalo.

Hugh McLennan
McLennan Ranch, Pinantan, BC
In January, 2011 my wife Lynn and I sailed with the Spirit of the West Cruise group which is sponsored by Morand Industries. At the end of ten delightful days aboard the Sapphire Princess I was the lucky winner of one of several generous credit certificates donated by Morand to be used for the purchase of their products. I have often thought that I might be able to accomplish more with my horses and maybe improve my own horsemanship skills if I had my own round pen so the decision to apply my prize against the purchase of a 50 foot Morand round pen was an easy one. I used the pen last summer primarily to work a couple of the greener members of our small string. I must say I was quite pleased with the results and I sure had fun doing it. The Morand round pen is well designed, strongly constructed and easy to assemble. The finish is attractive and, I believe, very durable. In short, it is an excellent product which would serve the needs of any horseman, whether professional or amateur, extremely well. The fine folks at Morand Industries were a pleasure to do business with.

Bill Craig
Delburne, Alberta
We are extremely pleased with our Morand squeeze and alley, working cattle is a pleasure at our place now. It is very safe now with our young family, our 14 year old daughter runs the head gate with ease and our 9 year old son runs the end gate. Larry and Jamie are very genuine people and were a pleasure to do business with.

Troy & Tracy Heidinger
Smoky Lake, Alberta
As a practicing large animal veterinarian for the past 35+ years I have worked with all types of livestock handling equipment and Morand comes out on top every time. Their manual cattle and bison chute is the best on the market in my opinion. The non miss and I mean non-miss cattle head gate is the best on the market for not having cattle burst through. The shoulder restraint device satisfies beef quality assurance for allowing easy vaccinating and implementing of cattle. The sliders both in the alley system and at the back of the chute are a huge improvement from drop down systems for ease of operation and safety. The crowding tub is tall and not too big so cattle can easily be pressured through it. I would wholeheartedly recommend without hesitation Morand livestock handling equipment to any of my clients who ask.

Roy Lewis DVM
Westlock Veterinary Center, Alberta
My name is Cathie, and when we decided it was finally time to build ”Our Barn”, I did a lot of homework researching different stall fronts. I wanted my barn to be bright, spacious and welcoming. I got in contact with various stall front manufacturers, but I had a problem, I had designed our barn so we would utilize every square inch, this made it so none of my stall fronts were quite the same. I talked with Jamey from Morand Industries, and he was great! ‘No PROBLEM’, we can make that work, was his reply. The competitors had their sizes, and when I had to make changes, the price went through the roof. Jamey had to design two swinging gates within one panel for the end of my barn for foaling stalls, again, ‘NO PROBLEM’. I thought, great $$$ cha-ching but the price did not change. I faxed him the blue prints, and he gave me a quote. He told me to let him know when the barn was built in case we needed to change any measurements. Which we did change a few measurements … ‘NO PROBLEM’. Jamey had the stalls ready when he said they would be and delivered them in 14” of fresh snow … and WOW!!! Everyone who walks into our barn says WOW! The horses love it! It is a bright area, welcoming, and even better .. it’s safer and all the mechanical parts are fingertip light. Thanks Morand Industries and especially Jamey!! You made our barn dreams a reality, stayed on budget, on time and were so professional!

Cathie Bruner
Evansburg, Alberta